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It's not perfect, but it's about as perfect as a gigantic, publicly owned corporation of nearly a century's standing can expect to be in 2020. Dead Ringers continues unabated, and will surely outlast us all. Venerable old institutions have been given fresh impetus, and another lease on life. It's given new voices the space and freedom to do their thing. In the podcast age, it's gone from strength to strength.

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(For the sake of argument, we're willing to let BBC3 sitcom Coming Of Age slide.)

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The BBC does literally everything, and it generally does it really well.

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If it's not being hammered by the right for being full of wet lefty student types, it's taking a booting from the left for giving time to climate-denying, Brexit-loving right-wingers.īut! Come on. Much loved and much moaned about, talking about it is the national pastime.

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